Melancholia of deconstruction


  • Jacob Rogozinski Collège Internationale de Philosophie
  • Vicentina Marangon (tradução)



Derrida, deconstruction, mourning, metaphysics


This paper addresses Derrida´s texts on “the work of mourning”, in which the philosopher, borrowing from psychoanalytic theory, postulates a distinction between mourning as a “normal” process of introjection of the lost object, and its pathological forms, in which mourning does not succeed. Failure to mourn is paradoxically more respectful of the dead Other than the so-called “normal” or “successful” mourning. Derrida´s inclination for pathological mourning would be restated by a “melancholia of deconstruction”, which reveals his impossibility to take leave of western metaphysics. The critical trajectory of deconstruction thus seems to envisage a type of philosophical parricide, itself a last tribute paid to the dead master.


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Author Biography

Jacob Rogozinski, Collège Internationale de Philosophie

Professor de filosofia na Universidade de Estrasburgo, doutorou-se em 1993 pela École de Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), sob a orientação de Claude Lefort. Foi diretor de pesquisa no Collège Internationale de Philosophie (1986-1992). É autor de estudos sobre Antonin Artaud, notadamente Guérir la vie. La passion d’Antonin Artaud (Les éditions du Cerf, 2011). Publicou Faire part: cryptes de Derrida (2005). Foram publicados em português o livro O Dom da lei: Kant e o enigma da ética (Editora Paulus, 2009), alguns artigos (“Tutuguri - ou o ritmo de Artaud”, Revista Alea, v. 3, 2001, trad. Marcelo Jacques de Moraes) e o capítulo “Vejam, isto é meu sangue (ou: a paixão segundo D.N.N.)”, trad. Carla Miguelote, na coletânea Valores do abjeto, EdUFF, 2008.



How to Cite

Rogozinski, J., & Marangon (tradução), V. (2011). Melancholia of deconstruction. Gragoatá, 16(31).