Atmospheres, chances and turbulences


  • Maria Cristina Franco Ferraz UFF



somatic culture, anglo-saxon literature, contemporary subjectivity


This article exploits some aspects of the so-called contemporary “somatic” culture as expressed in recent anglo-saxon novels. It analyses the novel Atmospheric Disturbances, written by Rivka Galchen and published in 2008. The increasing cultural and midiatic emphasis on the materiality of the body – specially on the brain, on hormones and genes – tends to be applied to all human experiences, enhancing scripts of subjectivation biologically based. New syndromes described and labeled in a proliferating way medicalize and domesticate ambiguities and weardnesses which have been elaborated for centuries, in different ways, by the Western literate tradition (from literature to psychoanalysis). The critical reading of Galchen’s novel opens up certain crucial ethical, political and philosophical questions implicated in the ongoing process of naturalization, closely related to a progressive despiritualization of the human phenomenum.


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Author Biography

Maria Cristina Franco Ferraz, UFF

Professora Titular de Teoria da Comunicação da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), pesquisadora do CNPq, doutora em Filosofia pela Universidade de Paris I - Sorbonne (1992), com três estágios de pós-doutoramento em Berlim (Instituto Max Planck de História da Ciência, em 2004, e Centro de Pesquisa em Literatura e Cultura, em 2007 e 2010). Coordena na UFF o Doutorado Internacional Erasmus Mundus “Cultural Studies in Literary Interzones”. Publicou os seguintes livros: Nietzsche, o bufão dos deuses (Rio de Janeiro: Relume Dumará, 1994/Ediouro: 2009 e Paris: Harmattan, 1998), Platão: as artimanhas do fingimento (Rio de Janeiro: Relume Dumará, 1999/Ediouro: 2009 e Lisboa: Nova Vega, 2010), Nove variações sobre temas nietzschianos (Rio de Janeiro: Relume Dumará, 2002) e Homo deletabilis - corpo, percepção, esquecimento: do século XIX ao XXI - (Rio de Janeiro: Garamond, 2010).



How to Cite

Ferraz, M. C. F. (2011). Atmospheres, chances and turbulences. Gragoatá, 16(31).