Dialogues and “Tombeaux”: H. Campos, N. Perlongher and S. Sarduy


  • Antonio Andrade UFRJ




dialogue, poetry, concretism, neo-baroque


Following the line of comparative literary studies, this article aims at discussing the intertextual dialogue that Brazilian writer Haroldo de Campos established with the Argentine author Néstor Perlongher and the Cuban author Severo Sarduy. For that, it performs a reflection on the recurring use of the typology of the “tombeau -poem” into Campo’s oeuvre. It also investigates its connection with the issues of death and allegory, as well as the productivity of notions like inheritance and tribute for the studies on modern and contemporary poetry. This preliminary research intends to bring up some interesting questions for rethinking the development of Neo-Baroque aesthetics, in the broader context of Latin America, motivated by cross-cultural dimensions which the “politics of friendship” are able to achieve nowadays, providing exchanges between poets of different origins and interrelating diverse formal strategies and policy, especially relevant to the historical scenario of recent decades.


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Author Biography

Antonio Andrade, UFRJ

Professor adjunto da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Sua tese de doutorado em Literatura Comparada, defendida na Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), intitula-se “Por uma comunidade desejante: um estudo sobre Néstor Perlongher e Severo Sarduy”. Já publicou diversos artigos sobre poesia contemporânea brasileira e hispano-americana. Suas pesquisas enfocam, particularmente, as relações entre concretismo e neobarroco. Recentemente, tem se dedicado a investigar as interfaces entre o processo de letramento literário e a formação de professores de língua materna e estrangeira.



How to Cite

Andrade, A. (2011). Dialogues and “Tombeaux”: H. Campos, N. Perlongher and S. Sarduy. Gragoatá, 16(31). https://doi.org/10.22409/gragoata.v16i31.33064