Imagery and representation in the collective memory of the voices in Latin of popular ‘benditos’


  • Lucrécio Araújo de Sá Júnior IFRN


Interaction. Performance. Memory. Benditos


This study reflects on the social interaction perceived through the voices that sing the popular religious song called bendito. This perspective finds in Bakhtin theoretical orientation for analysis, since the related author ties the verbal interactions to broader social interactions, relating the notion of “interaction” not only with the situations face the face, but to enunciative situations, to the speech processes. Thus, the conception of language as social communication exceeds the personal scope mere, exceeds the psychological concept of citizen, turning itself towards the mechanisms of constitution and determination of the behavior human beings, who are based on the material and ideological conditions of life in society.


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Author Biography

Lucrécio Araújo de Sá Júnior, IFRN

Professor do Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Doutorando em Ciências da Linguagem pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística da UFPB, sob orientação da professora Beliza de Arruda Mello, com estágio na Universidade de Lisboa, sob supervisão do professor João David Pinto-Correa. Mestre em Filosofia da Linguagem pela UFPB.



How to Cite

Sá Júnior, L. A. de. (2009). Imagery and representation in the collective memory of the voices in Latin of popular ‘benditos’. Gragoatá, 14(27). Retrieved from