The cinematographic cut in Ana Cristina Cesar


  • Anita Costa Malufe PUC-SP


Contemporary Brazilian poetry. Ana Cristina Cesar. Cinema. Fragmentation


This article analyzis the cut procedures that we find in some poems of the Brazilian Ana Cristina Cesar (1952-1983). Author of an extremely fragmentary poetry, Ana C. constructed her workmanship very close to the artistic vanguards of the XX century, including the most experimental cinema. Our objective is to observe how the poet constructs the fragmentation in her poetry, keeping, at the same time, a singular fluency between the fragments; fluency that would not be narrative, but that approaches her poems to a certain cinematographic way of composition and experience.


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Author Biography

Anita Costa Malufe, PUC-SP

Doutora em Teoria e História Literária pela Unicamp, desenvolvendo estágio de pós-doutoramento no Núcleo de Estudos da Subjetividade, Psicologia Clínica, da PUC-SP. É autora dos livros de poemas Como se caísse devagar (Ed.34, 2008), Nesta cidade e abaixo de teus olhos (Ed.7Letras, 2007), Fundos para dias de chuva (Ed.7Letras 2004) e do ensaio Territórios dispersos: a poética de Ana Cristina Cesar (Ed.Annablume/ Fapesp, 2006).



How to Cite

Malufe, A. C. (2009). The cinematographic cut in Ana Cristina Cesar. Gragoatá, 14(27). Retrieved from