Metaphor and metonymy in grammaticalization processes: the case of "aí" marker of specificity


  • Maria Alice Tavares UFRN


Metaphor. Metonymy. Grammati¬calization. “Aí” marker of specificity


From the theoretical framework provided by func­tional linguistics, in this article I present some proposals regarding metaphorical and metonymic extensions of meanings in grammaticalization processes. I claim that one of these proposals applies to the case of the grammaticalization of “aí” as a marker of specificity in indefinite no­minal phrases: the proposal which supports that metaphorical extension and metonymic extension can occur together in grammaticalization proces­ses. As a marker of specificity, “aí” is generally used when the speaker wants to show that the identity or properties of what is being referred to are not relevant to the hearer. Besides, “aí” can show negative appreciation, qualifying the core noun of the indefinite nominal phrase as being something wrong or with low quality. Based on semantic and pragmatic properties of different usages of “aí”, I propose a grammaticalization trajectory, probably followed by it, from spatial deictic meanings to the use as a marker of specifi­city in indefinite nominal phrases. Metaphorical and metonymical extensions play an important role in this trajectory.


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Author Biography

Maria Alice Tavares, UFRN

É professora adjunta III da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte e atua nas áreas de Sociolinguística e Teoria e Análise Linguística. Seu interesse principal de pesquisa reside nas relações entre os fenômenos de variação e gramaticalização. Fez mestrado e doutorado no Curso de Pós-Graduação em Linguística da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, com um estágio, du­rante o doutorado, na Carnegie Mellon University, nos Estados Unidos. Tem vários artigos e capítulos de livro publicados e é uma das organizadoras do livro Linguística Funcional e Ensino de Gramática, publicado pela EDUFRN.



How to Cite

Tavares, M. A. (2009). Metaphor and metonymy in grammaticalization processes: the case of "aí" marker of specificity. Gragoatá, 14(26). Retrieved from