Isotopy and textual metaphorization


  • Ricardo Lopes Leite UFC


Isotopy. Discourse. Metaphor. In¬terpretation. Metaphorization


This paper discusses the role of isotopy in textual metaphorization, as described by Leite (2007). The article starts from the hypothesis that metapho­rization is a particular mode of metaphor mani­festation that resizes interpretation to discourse level, beyond word and sentence levels. As far as isotopy is concerned, the study proposes that it works as a device which can reveal and regulate the co-existence of two or more metaphorical me­aning plans within text, during interpretation, which warrants metaphor upgrading to discourse level.


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Author Biography

Ricardo Lopes Leite, UFC

É doutor e Mestre em Linguística pela Universidade Federal do Ceará. Profes­sor Adjunto do Departamento de Letras Vernáculas da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Membro dos Grupos de pesquisa Protexto e COLIN (Cog­nição e Linguagem), da mesma instituição. Atualmente, desenvolve pesquisas em Semiótica Discursiva e em aspectos sociocognitivos da metáfora.



How to Cite

Leite, R. L. (2009). Isotopy and textual metaphorization. Gragoatá, 14(26). Retrieved from