Money as a metaphor or the (non-) metaphor of money on two poems by Jorge de Sena


  • Luis Maffei UFF


Jorge de Sena. Money. Marx. Camões. Metaphor


Dealing with money in poetry is facing a radical problem: How should one treat such an extra-poetical issue? Jorge Sena deals with it, and such act represents a quite tense use of metaphor: Either literality or the senses are taken to high ambivalence levels. Two poems treat the theme “money” more directly: “Ode aos livros que não posso comprar” e “Tudo é tão caro!”. In the first, the presence of Marxist thought is clear and very influent on a beginner Jorge Sena. In the second, which was sophisticatedly built, some subtle in­tertexts with Camões are noticeable, a poet who is often present in the background of Sena’s lyric.


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Author Biography

Luis Maffei, UFF

É Professor de Literatura Portuguesa da Universidade Federal Fluminense. Como poeta, publicou A (Rio de Janeiro: Oficina Raquel, 2006) e Telefunken (Rio de Janeiro: Oficina Raquel, 2008/ Porto: Deriva, 2009). Coordena, para a editora Oficina Raquel, a série Portugal, 0, dedicada à novíssima literatura portuguesa, responsável pelas antologias brasileiras das obras de Manuel de Freitas, Rui Pires Cabral, Luís Quintais e Pedro Eiras. Tem textos publi­cados em diversos periódicos de literatura, como as revistas Metamorfoses, Relâmpago e Telhados de vidro.



How to Cite

Maffei, L. (2009). Money as a metaphor or the (non-) metaphor of money on two poems by Jorge de Sena. Gragoatá, 14(26). Retrieved from