Narratives, faces and expressions of the Mozambican post-colonialism in João Paulo Borges Coelho’s novels


  • Sheila Kahn Universidade do Minho, Portugal


Memory. Narrative. Postcolonialisms. History and fiction


Postcolonialism of Portuguese expression and language has been approached as an hegemonic element in the thoughts and ideas between the various former Portuguese colonies in Africa. However, we must be careful, when thinking about the post-colonial condition in an epistemological way, to equate, in a contextualized way, the cultural loci, the idiosyncratic aspects, and the historical and social conditions of the object of study. I intend to defy previous hegemony with this present work, proposing instead that there is, undoubtedly, a Mozambican post-colonialism, even if it is expressed in the Portuguese language. My attempt to break boundaries, to compile and analyse narratives, memories and manifestations of negotiating a Mozambican post-coloniality can be captured through the Mozambican author João Paulo Borges Coelho, namely through the novels As visitas do Dr Valdez, Crónica da Rua 513.2, and, more recently, Campo de trânsito. Departing from a contextualised reading and analysis, it thus remains for us to reflect on how and what fissures, margins, memories and faces have emerged from a Mozambique that searches for its nation, dreamt up and longed-for by the poet José Craveirinha.


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Author Biography

Sheila Kahn, Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Pós-Doutoranda nas Universidades de Manchester e Coimbra, com projecto de investigação coordenado pelas Professoras Hilary Owen (Un. Manchester) e Paula Meneses (CES, Un. Coimbra). É Investigadora Associada no CICS na Universidade do Minho. Dentre suas publicações, destacam-se os artigos: Are we all post-colonial? A Socio-Literary Reading of Crónica do Tempo’, Paulo de Medeiros (ed.), Postcolonial Theory and Lusophone Literatures. Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht Portuguese Studies Series, pp. 79-97, 2007; Velhas Margens, Novos Centros em ‘Ventos do Apocalipse’ de Paulina Chiziane’. Revista Teia Literária, PUC/RJ, Brasil, 119-131, 2007; Identidades sem chão. Imigrantes Afro-Moçambicanos: Narrativas de Vida e Identidade, e Percepções de um Portugal pós-colonial’. Luso-Brazilian Review, 43:2. University of Wisconsin: 1-26, 2006.



How to Cite

Kahn, S. (2008). Narratives, faces and expressions of the Mozambican post-colonialism in João Paulo Borges Coelho’s novels. Gragoatá, 13(24). Retrieved from