Literature, today: chronicle of a foretold death


  • Sérgio Luiz P. Bellei UFSC


death of literature, literary theory, literary history


Historically understood, the question of the death of literature must be approached both in the context of the Age of Theory, the period that goes from the mid sixties through the early nineties, and in the context of the cultural, economic, social and technological changes of the last 40 years. Exposed both to a vigorous iconoclastic theorizing coming from inside the area of literary studies, and to historical changes in cultural, economic, social and technological affairs, literature as an institution has been showing signs of progressive fatigue. In the last ten years, however, alternative proposals have been suggesting that the announcement of the death of literature may have been premature, given its cultural and social relevance at the present moment.


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Author Biography

Sérgio Luiz P. Bellei, UFSC

Sérgio Luiz Prado Bellei concluiu seu Ph. D. em Literatura Anglo-Americana na Universidade do Arizona, nos Estados Unidos, e completou dois trabalhos de pós-doutoramento, também nos Estados Unidos. Seus textos recentes mais importantes incluem o ensaio intitulado “Brazilian Anthropophagy Revisited”, que faz parte da coletânea de ensaios publicada no livro Canibalism and the Colonial World, de 1998, publicado pela Cambridge University Press, na Inglaterra, e o livro O Livro, a Literatura e o Computador, publicado em 2002. É atualmente Professor Titular de Teoria Literária no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Inglês da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina e pesquisador nível 1A do CNPq.



How to Cite

Bellei, S. L. P. (2007). Literature, today: chronicle of a foretold death. Gragoatá, 12(23). Retrieved from