Hybrid novels and fictional criticism in contemporary Latin American narrative: the case of Roberto Bolaño


  • Rafael Eduardo Gutiérrez Giraldo PUC-Rio


Contemporary Latin-American Lite¬rature, Roberto Bolaño, Hybrid novels, Fictional criticism


This article presents a tendency in contemporary Latin-American literature to mix genres and use fictional literary criticism in the construction of hybrid novels and short stories. With Chilean writer Roberto Bolaño (1953-2003) as an exem­plar, the article presents the main elements of this type of narrative, and establishes a parallel with other contemporary writers from Latin Ameri­ca. Finally, on offer is a theoretical hypothesis designed to explain this tendency in relation to the Latin-American literary tradition and the recent transformations in the Humanities and Social Sciences.


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Author Biography

Rafael Eduardo Gutiérrez Giraldo, PUC-Rio

Mestre em Literatura Latino-americana pela Universidade Javeriana de Bogotá (Colômbia), é Doutorando em Estudos de Literatura da PUCRio. Sua área principal de pesquisa é a literatura latino-americana contemporânea. Atualmente realiza sua tese de doutorado sobre a obra do escritor chileno Roberto Bolaño e trabalha como pesquisador do Núcleo de Estudos de Lite­ratura Latino-americana da PUCRio.



How to Cite

Giraldo, R. E. G. (2007). Hybrid novels and fictional criticism in contemporary Latin American narrative: the case of Roberto Bolaño. Gragoatá, 12(22). Retrieved from https://periodicos.uff.br/gragoata/article/view/33200