Dialogism, polyphony, diaphony: some criteria for distinction


  • Hugues Constantin de Chanay Université Lumière Lyon 2 , França


dialogism, poliphony, diaphony, voices


In this paper, we attempt to propose several criteria for making a distinction between “dialogism”, “polyphony” and “diaphony”. We examine successively, at first, two different types of hierarchization of distinct “voices” coexisting in the same discourse (with the same speaker) ; then we consider the nature of the relevant discursive units (making a distinction between discourses and points of view); and finally, we question the simultaneity or the non-simultaneity which characterizes these discourse units occurring in discourse. These three axes are considered in the polysemiotic and interactive perspective, as required by a holistic approach to orality.


Original in French.


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Author Biography

Hugues Constantin de Chanay, Université Lumière Lyon 2 , França

Ensina lingüística e semiologia na Université Lumière Lyon 2 e é membro do laboratório ICAR (UMR 5191 CNRS-Lyon 2). Pesquisa as relações intersemióticas nos discursos. Organiza juntamente com O. Le Guern um livro coletivo: Signes du corps, corps du signe (L’Harmattan, no prelo). Além de artigos em revistas especializadas, publicou também um romance (Ex Machina, P.O.L, 2000).



How to Cite

Chanay, H. C. de. (2006). Dialogism, polyphony, diaphony: some criteria for distinction. Gragoatá, 11(20). Retrieved from https://periodicos.uff.br/gragoata/article/view/33239