National identity representations and other identities


  • José Luís Jobim UERJ; UFF


historicity, nationality, identity


This paper focuses on the presuppositions underlying the representations of national (and other) identities, aiming to relate them to the meanings of communities and experience, of voluntary associations, of supra-individual belonging, of shared principles and rules, always seen as in process – and dependent on the actions we undertake to maintain or alter them.


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Author Biography

José Luís Jobim, UERJ; UFF

Professor da UERJ e da UFF, presidente da ABRALIC (2005-2006) e pesquisador do CNPq. Entre suas principais obras publicadas figuram: Palavras da crítica - tendências e conceitos nos estudos literários (Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1992), A biblioteca de Machado de Assis (Rio de Janeiro: Topbooks / Academia Brasileira de Letras, 2001) e Formas da Teoria (2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Caetés, 2003).



How to Cite

Jobim, J. L. (2006). National identity representations and other identities. Gragoatá, 11(20). Retrieved from