A possible look: in search of identity in social and affective ways of saying


  • Victoria Wilson UERJ


complaint, face, identity, friendship, politeness


This paper is concerned with complaints in the context of letters of customers in the field of civil architecture. Assuming that complaint is an act of an expressive nature that implies unpleasant emotions (often thought of as 'taboos') the findings demonstrated how these specific customers manages these negative feelings.


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Author Biography

Victoria Wilson, UERJ

Professora adjunta de Lingüística da Faculdade de Formação de Professores da UERJ e doutora em Lingüística pela PUC-Rio. Tem artigos publicados em revistas especializadas e anais de congresso. Atualmente é coordenadora especial do curso Português-Literaturas da FFP-UERJ.



How to Cite

Wilson, V. (2005). A possible look: in search of identity in social and affective ways of saying. Gragoatá, 10(18). Retrieved from https://periodicos.uff.br/gragoata/article/view/33277