Poetry, canon, value: figurations of the stone in Carlos Drummond de Andade and Armando Freitas Filho


  • Celia Pedrosa UFF


poetry, modernity, value.


This essay intends to discuss the importance of a continuous reflection on aesthetic value, based on several questions imposed on it by the historic process of canons' construction and deconstruction. This reflection is here supported by the analysis of relations between the modern tradition of poetry, the ways in which it is updated in Drummond's poetics and its developments in contemporary lyricism, of which Armando Freitas Filho's works are taken as an emblem.


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Author Biography

Celia Pedrosa, UFF

Professora de Literatura Brasileira e Teoria da Literatura na Universidade Federal Fluminense, onde atualmente coordena o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras. Publicou os livros Antonio Candido: a palavra empenhada (EDUSP /EDUFF) e organizou Poesia hoje (com Evando Nascimento e Cláudia Matos), Poesia e contemporaneidade (com Maria Lucia Camargo) e Mais poesia hoje, além de ter ensaios diversos publicados em coletâneas e periódicos nacionais e internacionais.



How to Cite

Pedrosa, C. (2016). Poetry, canon, value: figurations of the stone in Carlos Drummond de Andade and Armando Freitas Filho. Gragoatá, 7(12). Retrieved from https://periodicos.uff.br/gragoata/article/view/33533



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