Fernando Pessoa, the homoerotic drama


  • Fernando Arenas Universidade de Minnesota


Fernando Pessoa, Portuguese literature, homoeroticism, Portuguese Modernism.


This article maps the history of the critical reception of homoerotic desire in Pessoa's work; it brings to bear the question of homoeroticism within the paradigm of "local readings" of Pessoa; it analyses various relevant texts; and finally it suggests - on the basis of some well-known texts as well as previously unpublished ones - how the question of homoerotic desire allows for the possibility of a less metaphysical and even more nuanced global reading of Pessoa's work.


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Author Biography

Fernando Arenas, Universidade de Minnesota

Associate Professor de Estudos Lusófonos na University of Minnesota. As suas publicações incluem o livro Utopias of otherness: nationhood and subjectivity in Portugal and Brazil (a sair em 2003 pela University of Minnesota Press) e, junto com Susan C. Quinlan, a antologia de ensaios Lusosex: gender and sexuality in the Portuguese-speaking world (2002).



How to Cite

Arenas, F. (2016). Fernando Pessoa, the homoerotic drama. Gragoatá, 7(12). Retrieved from https://periodicos.uff.br/gragoata/article/view/33540



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