The youngest day


  • Leslie Hill University of Warwick



Maurice Blanchot, The Writing of the Disaster, aporia, messianic, Judaism.


From fragments of L'Écriture du désastre and other writings by Maurice Blanchot, this article deals with the relationship between history (or the other history), its ruptures and disaster. To address this issue, Blanchot draws on authors such as Wittgenstein, Hölderlin, Kafka, Melville (especially Bartleby the Scrivener) and Levinas. Based on these authors, Blanchot develops his thinking about the messianic aporia, and seeks to understand its relationship with totalitarianism. Particularly important is the influence that Emmanuel Levinas, the great Jewish thinker, versed in the writings of the Talmud, exerts on Blanchot, who, in turn, sees himself in the delicate situation of approaching messianic from his position as an intellectual outside the Jewish milieu. Moreover, the comparison made by Blanchot between the legacy of Jewish thought, often denied by modern Western society, and classical Greek culture, traditionally exalted as the cradle of civilization, worthy of nostalgic feelings, is examined. The ideas of time and the end of time are also discussed, as well as the deferment of this end, and, finally, the imminence of disaster.


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Author Biography

Leslie Hill, University of Warwick

Professor de francês na Universidade de Warwick, Inglaterra. Hill foi escolhido membro da British Academy em 2003. Principais publicações: Radical Indecision: Barthes, Blanchot, Derrida, and the Future of Criticism (Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 2010); The Cambridge Introduction to Jacques Derrida (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2007); Bataille, Klossowski, Blanchot: Writing at the Limit (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2001); Blanchot: Extreme Contemporary (London, Routledge, 1997); Marguerite Duras: Apocalyptic Desires (London, Routledge, 1993); Beckett's Fiction: In Different Words (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1990).



How to Cite

Hill, L. (2020). The youngest day. Gragoatá, 25(51), 13-43.



v25n51 - Maurice Blanchot e a literatura em desastre