Uma tradição persistente: antologias como rascunho da história da literatura


  • Janaína Senna Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)


anthologies, literary history, national literature, colonial literature, cultural patrimony.


This text investigates the role of literary anthologies in Brazilian nineteenth century. Following the general orientation which underlies the intellectual context of the time, these works concentrate their efforts on building a cultural patrimony by assembling, delimiting and setting up a corpus that, after being adjusted and justified, could be taken as representa tive of the national literature produced in this country since the colonial period. Therefore, the anthologies gradually constructed the facts which would later serve as the basis of our literary histories.


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How to Cite

Senna, J. (2020). Uma tradição persistente: antologias como rascunho da história da literatura. Gragoatá, 6(11), 99-108. Retrieved from