Ariano Suassuna e o Romance da Pedra do Reino: da retórica medievalizante ao discurso barroco


  • Maria Emília Monteiro Porto Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)


Ariano Suassuna, culture, baroc, medievalizing.


We considered in this artide the medievalizing or archaizing tendency, suggested as all explanation for that cultural peculiarity of the Northeast Brazil in a good part of the Brazilian historiographic and lilerary production. Our reading of the Romance da Pedra do Reino understands that its aulhor, Ariano Suassuna, is apparently placed in lhe flux of the fixation of this image. We understood, however, that his interpretation through a discourse, itself Baroque, about that culture. The analysis of this discourse leads us to think that he develops, in the end, an image of a Baroque Northeast that can be related to interpretations of the Brazilian cu!ture, related to conceptions of lhe Baroque that place hím beyond the simple stylistic medley or purely ideological analysis.


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How to Cite

Porto, M. E. M. (2020). Ariano Suassuna e o Romance da Pedra do Reino: da retórica medievalizante ao discurso barroco. Gragoatá, 6(11), 109-124. Retrieved from