Certos elementos do discurso na literatura oriunda das imigrações e a identidade teatral do contador de histórias de Tahar Ben Jelloun


  • Luciana Persice Nogueira Doutora e Mestre em Língua e literaturas de Língua Francesa


francoplwny, Tahar Ben fellozm, deterritorialization, tragedy, storyteller.


The francophone Maghrebine literature, originated in the immigration processes, has two main themes: cultural hybridism and social, economical and cultural exclusions. The deterritorialized aspect of this literature gives it "étrangeté" and "terror". These two concepts are related to the tragedy of exile, distance and solitude. Tn Tahar Ben felloun's work, specially the three novels in which the narrator is a storyteller, this character becomes an acurate voice in the expression of étrangeté and terror. His discourse, his rhetorics, and his theatrality express all uncertain and fragmentary identity, sometimes imaginary, others projected, like the identity of the exiled Maghrebine - who lives between two worlds, two languages and many cultures (Arab, Berber, Juif ...). The storyteller's narration is polyphonic, dialogical and intervocal. His exceptionnal social condition is expressed through exceptionnal physical or mental characteristics: he is blind, handless, or insane; He knows an inverted and magicai existance. In his inversion, former owner of the story, he becomes possessed by it. He, then, becomes on exorcist, who needs to free himself from the book. A book which is an identity, salvation or damnation - therefore, a pharmakon. An ambiguous identity, like the exiled Maghrebine's.


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How to Cite

Nogueira, L. P. (2020). Certos elementos do discurso na literatura oriunda das imigrações e a identidade teatral do contador de histórias de Tahar Ben Jelloun. Gragoatá, 6(11), 125-140. Retrieved from https://periodicos.uff.br/gragoata/article/view/47026