A construção da identidade no discurso acadêmico: o papel da avaliação no discurso de estudantes de literatura estrangeira


  • Anna Elizabeth Balocco Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)


academic discourse, evaluation, identity.


ln what follows, some of the issues involved in writing about a foreign language literature are explored through an analysis of the writing produced by learners, with a focus on the phenomenon of evaluation in text. Textual analysis is complemented by informatian obtained from learners themselves in situations of talk about the social processes in which they are involved. Part of the argument in this paper is that writing in academia should be viewed as a complex processs of construction of identity, which develops in response to the different discourses circulating in a particular disciplinary area.


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How to Cite

Balocco, A. E. (2020). A construção da identidade no discurso acadêmico: o papel da avaliação no discurso de estudantes de literatura estrangeira. Gragoatá, 6(11), 177-192. Retrieved from https://periodicos.uff.br/gragoata/article/view/47029