Do pau-brasil ao real maravilhoso: garantindo a fala à margem


  • André Luiz Gonçalves Trouche Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)


Latin American literature, modernism, poetics propositions


This paper endeavours to compare the Brazilian literary system with the Latin American one, by focussing upon the proposals drawn by the modernists at the beginning of the 20th century, with a view to exploring aspects and attitudes in common to be found in conjunction with some of the most influential poetic conceptions which informed a great deal of the Latin American literary praduction in the past century.


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Author Biography

André Luiz Gonçalves Trouche, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

Doutor em Língua Espanhola e Literaturas Hispânicas e Professor adjunto de literatura hispano-americana no Instituto de Letras da UFF. Nos últimos anos, vem publicando artigos em revistas e periódicos nacionais e estrangeiros.



How to Cite

Trouche, A. L. G. (2021). Do pau-brasil ao real maravilhoso: garantindo a fala à margem. Gragoatá, 6(10), 141-149. Retrieved from