Raza, racismo, História: "¿ Vienen de allá todos mis huesos?"


  • Roberto Márquez Mount Holyoke College


Beginning with a review of the importance of the Crusades and medieval notions of the barbarus to them, this essay is a discussion of the historical roots and struclural matrices of the notion of race and the racialization process that took place in the Americas, It emphasizes the creation there of Society of Race and of racial castes and (in the aftermath of the haitian Revolution and the nation building process) of a growing Anxiety of Race, It goes on to delineate the two major stages and three overlapping in which, from the 19th and into the 20th century, their structural features are progressively expressed and contested,


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Author Biography

Roberto Márquez, Mount Holyoke College

Translator, editor, essayist, and literature critic Roberto Márquez is Willian R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Latin American and Caribbean Studíes at Mount Holyoke College. A Puerto Rican born and raise in Spanish Harlem, he has traveled, lived, studied, and worked in various parts of Spain, South American, and the Caribbean, including Jamaica, Trinidad, Guyana, Cuba, Brazil, and Nicaragua.



How to Cite

Márquez, R. (2021). Raza, racismo, História: "¿ Vienen de allá todos mis huesos?". Gragoatá, 6(10), 165-183. Retrieved from https://periodicos.uff.br/gragoata/article/view/49027