Articulação de orações: uma perspectiva variacionísta


  • Maria da Conceição de Paiva Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)


clause linkage, quantitative sociolinguistics, contributions


ln this article I reflect on the application of the theoretical and methodological apparatus of Quantitative Sociolinguistics to the study of phenomena related to clause linkage. ln the first place, I show how the quantitative approach has been used in the description of certain aspects such as the mobility of clauses linked by hypotaxis, types of clause articulation, relations between expanded and reduced clauses expressing the same relational proposition. Then, I show, on the basis of several works, the contribution that results from the application of such an approach to understand the different processes of clause linkage and to search for conflicting motivations on the same phenomenon. Finally, I discuss the limitations of the application of the model to deal with the subject.


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Author Biography

Maria da Conceição de Paiva, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Professora de Lingüística da UFRJ, pesquisadora do CNPq. Na linha da Sociolingüística Quantitativa e do Funcionalismo, vem dedicando-se a fenômenos de articulação de orações, especialmente as causais, no português brasileiro.



How to Cite

Paiva, M. da C. de. (2021). Articulação de orações: uma perspectiva variacionísta. Gragoatá, 5(9), 101-114. Retrieved from