The Stories within History: Mapping the Nation in João Paulo Borges Coelho’s Museu da Revolução




Coloniality, Post-Memory, Historical Reparation, Memory Duty


Museu da Revolução, the most recent novel by the Mozambican writer João Paulo Borges Coelho, offers the reader a shrewd and thorough question about how to deal in a thoughtful and restorative way with the Mozambican past in its relationship with the legacies of coloniality in post-coloniality. Following the writer in this complex and plural exercise of recognizing other stories, narratives and memories constructed as minors within a larger History, this article intends to articulate with postcolonial worldliness the emerging vigor of post-memory studies. Precisely, in its ability to interact with colonial and decolonial ancestry from a perspective of historical reparation, the duty of memory and aesthetic and civic citizenship attentive to the understanding and deconstruction of old surviving logics of coloniality in the global post-colonial human present.


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Author Biography

Sheila Khan, Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal e Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal

É socióloga, investigadora do Centro de Estudos em Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS) da Universidade do Minho. Doutorada em Estudos Étnicos e Culturais pela Universidade de Warwick e Professora Auxiliar Convidada na Universidade do Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD). As suas mais recentes publicações são: “Portugal a lápis de cor. A sul de uma pós-colonialidade” (Almedina, 2015); “Visitas a João Paulo Borges Coelho. Leituras, Diálogos e Futuros” (com Nazir Can, Sandra Sousa, Leonor Simas-Almeida e Isabel Ferreira Gould, Colibri, 2017); “A Europa no Mundo, o Mundo na Europa. Crise e Identidade” (com Rita Ribeiro e Vítor Sousa, Editora Húmus, 2020); e, “Racism and Racial Surveillance. Modernity Matters” (com Nazir Can e Helena Machado, London: Routledge, 2021).



How to Cite

Sousa, S., & Khan, S. (2022). The Stories within History: Mapping the Nation in João Paulo Borges Coelho’s Museu da Revolução. Gragoatá, 27(59), e53261.