The debate on brazilian standart pronunciation during the procedures to the Second Congress of the Spoken and Sung National Language (1945-1952)


  • Luciano Monteiro Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa / Bolsista de Pós-doutorado



língua nacional. padronização linguística. glotopolítica. radiodifusão.


In 1945, after the end of Estado Novo (New State), some intellectuals decided to revive Mario de Andrade's project of establishing a standard pronunciation discussed at the First Congress on Sung National Language (1937). The project was initially assigned to the Federal District's General Office for Culture and Education, which failed to take it forward. Eventually, the project was added to the agenda of the Casa de Rui Barbosa Research Center. This article dives into the procedures of the Second Congress of Spoken and Sung National Language, examining its reception in the press, particularly the statements by members of The Organizing Committee and the reactions of newspaper writers. This exploration sheds light on the motivations of this event, how it was planned, and why it did not happen, and frames the organizers' perspective on establishing a standard pronunciation as a glotopolitical project (GUESPIN; MARCELLESI, 2021; ARNOUX, 2016).


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How to Cite

Monteiro, L. (2023). The debate on brazilian standart pronunciation during the procedures to the Second Congress of the Spoken and Sung National Language (1945-1952). Gragoatá, 28(60), e-56416.