The first Brazilian edition of Almeida’s Garrett’s Frei Luís de Sousa. Aspects of textual variation




Almeida Garret, Frei Luís de Sousa, Textual History


This article seeks to describe the first Brazilian edition of Almeida Garrett’s Frei Luís de Sousa. Attention is given to “Archivo Theatral”, the series in which it was included, as well as to Junius Villeneuve, who was responsible for the press that printed the edition. This sets the framework for the identification and analysis of textual variation, as the result of the comparison between the Portuguese and the Brazilian first editions. After some considerations about the place of the Villeneuve publication of Frei Luís de Sousa in the printed transmission of the play, the variants are interpreted according to Greg’s famous pair of conceptual adjectives, accidental and substantive. It is argued that the Brazilian edition performed a rather inclusive understanding of what is accidental in the Portuguese text and as such may contribute to a comparative history of the Portuguese language in its European and Brazilian variants or, at least, to a better knowledge of textual practices associated with the publishing of plays.


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How to Cite

Dionísio, J. (2024). The first Brazilian edition of Almeida’s Garrett’s Frei Luís de Sousa. Aspects of textual variation. Gragoatá, 29(63), e58999.