History and Analysis of an Unfinished Language Policy (2019-2022): The Case of Kitoro


  • Louis-Jean Calvet Aix-Marseille Université




Language policy, Linguistic ideologies, Plurilingualism


In this article, the author proposes a reflection on the language choices of certain countries and on the attempts of external intervention in these choices. It is a text of pedagogical character that can be used in language policy courses to initiate a discussion on the arbitrariness of power, the role of international experts, technical cooperation, mainly involving post-colonial, plurilingual contexts, as well as more general issues of practical, ideological, anthropological, political and ethical order.


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How to Cite

Calvet, L.-J. (2023). History and Analysis of an Unfinished Language Policy (2019-2022): The Case of Kitoro . Gragoatá, 28(62), e59558. https://doi.org/10.22409/gragoata.v28i62.59558.fr