
  • Ricardo Antonio Cazumba UFF


Clausewitz, Center of Gravity, Doctrine


The article aims to present how the concept of Center of Gravity (CG), present in the work Da Guerra, was incorporated into the Brazilian military doctrine, particularly into the Doctrine of Joint Operations in an uncritical way. The concept, as shown, did not undergo the necessary in-depth debate prior to its incorporation, becoming a planning tool in operational situations totally detached from its original destination. To meet this objective, the article analyzes original references contained in the work, seeking to characterize how the author understood the concept. An effort is also being made to reconstruct the historical and social context in which the concept of CG started to attract the attention of the US armed forces. The text presents the main attempts to operationalize the concept, indicating the agreements between the main authors and the divergences. The article pays attention to the consequences of the uncritical and decontextualized consumption of military ideas and concepts from the international center by countries with totally different experiences.


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How to Cite

Cazumba, R. A. (2021). THE CONCEPT OF CENTER OF GRAVITY:: IT’S USE AS A PLANNING TOOTL IN THE USA AND BRAZIL. Hoplos Journal of Strategic Studies and International Relations, 5(9), 9-31. Retrieved from


