
  • Rafaela Elmir Fioreze Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)


China, United States, Latin America, Hegemonic Challenge


Since the early 2000s, China has been increasingly present in Latin American countries, especially in economic terms. Besides having become a factor of concern to the United States, such phenomenon has been figuring as a subject of discussion within the academic community, which, inter alia, raised the question of whether the increase in Sino-Latin American relations may represent a threat to U.S.’ hegemony in the region. In light of this, this article seeks to analyze to what extent China’s growing engagement in Latin America can be interpreted as a hegemonic challenge to the United States, based on the premise that the hegemony concept is intrinsically connected to military relations. The conclusion is that, although Chinese military engagement in the region has evolved in recent years, it is still quite modest, and it is not possible – at least for the time being – to identify a threat to the United States hegemony in Latin America.


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How to Cite

Elmir Fioreze, R. (2023). THE CHINESE PRESENCE IN LATIN AMERICA: : HEGEMONIC CHALLENGE TO THE UNITED STATES OR PRAGMATIC APPROACHMENT?. Hoplos Journal of Strategic Studies and International Relations, 7(12), 148-166. Retrieved from


