Is the image clear enough? The VAR and the images' interpretations in the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia


  • Carlos Roberto Gaspar Teixeira PUCRS
  • Roberto Tietzmann PUCRS



Image, Sport, Video referee, World Cup


This article analyzes the broadcast of two controversial moves involving a video referee in two matches played by the Brazilian soccer team during the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia. A single official video feed generated divergent interpretations by commentators on broadcast and subscription-based television. We question the reason for continued disagreements despite the improvements in technology and rules. Based on image theorists as Badiou (2017), Bergson (2006), Didi-Huberman (1998), and Debray (1993), the authors conclude that every image has an interpretative and a subjective character, which rarely allows it to be indisputable when it comes to sport, specifically in soccer.


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How to Cite

Gaspar Teixeira, C. R., & Tietzmann, R. (2021). Is the image clear enough? The VAR and the images’ interpretations in the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia. Media and Everyday Life, 15(2), 121-138.