Toward a popular theory of algorithms


  • Ignacio Siles Universidad de Costa Rica
  • Edgar Gómez-Cruz University of Texas at Austin
  • Paola Ricaurte Escuela de Humanidades y Educación del Tecnológico de Monterrey



Algorithms, Critical Studies, Datafication, Popular Studies


This paper establishes dialogs between theories on the popular and critical studies on algorithms and datafication. In doing so, it contributes to reversing the analytical tendency to assume that algorithms have universal effects and that conclusions about “algorithmic power” in the Global North apply unproblematically every-where else. We begin by clarifying how Latin American scholars and other research traditions have theorized the popular (“lo popular”). We then develop four dimensions of lo popular to implement these ideas in the case of algorithms: playful cultural practices, imagination, resistance, and “in-betweenness.” We argue that this dialogue can generate different ways of thinking about the problems inherent to algorithmic mediation by drawing attention to the remixes of cultural practices, imaginative solutions to everyday problems, “cyborg” forms of resistance, and ambiguous forms of agency that are central to the operations of algorithmic assemblages nowadays.


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Author Biographies

Ignacio Siles, Universidad de Costa Rica

Doutor em Mídia, Tecnologia e Sociedade. Professor da Universidad de Costa Rica, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales.

Edgar Gómez-Cruz, University of Texas at Austin

Doutor em Sociedade de Informação e Conhecimento, Professor Associado da University of Texas at Austin.

Paola Ricaurte, Escuela de Humanidades y Educación del Tecnológico de Monterrey

PhD in Language Sciences, Associate Professor at the Escuela de Humanidades y Educación del Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de México.


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How to Cite

Siles, I., Gómez-Cruz, E., & Ricaurte, P. (2024). Toward a popular theory of algorithms. Mídia E Cotidiano, 18(2), 87-108.