The contribution of research groups in environmental journalism to combat denialism in Brazil


  • Wilson Costa Bueno Universidade de São Paulo - ECA



environmental journalism, environmental communication, CNPq research groups, denialism


The research groups in Environmental Journalism and Communication have made a relevant contribution to the consolidation of concepts and the qualification of journalistic coverage relating to the environment, as well as to the training of new professionals and researchers in this area.  The paper rescues and analyzes the research groups registered in the CNPq Research Group Directory that focus on Journalism and Environmental Communication, promoting their characterization and, mainly, identifying the thematic focuses that define their lines of research, academic production and the activities of their leaders.


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Author Biography

Wilson Costa Bueno, Universidade de São Paulo - ECA

Professor sênior da Escola de Comunicação e Arte da USP. ORCID:


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How to Cite

Bueno, W. C. (2024). The contribution of research groups in environmental journalism to combat denialism in Brazil. Media and Everyday Life, 18(3), 116-138.