
  • Gabrielle Éboli
  • Meyre Teixeira
  • Thayane Massopust


Race, Gender, Latin America and Caribbean, UN


The International Afro-Latin American and Afro-Caribbean Women’s Day, on July 25th, was based on the First Meeting of Afro Latin American and Afro-Caribbean Women, held in Dominican Republic in 1992. In Brazil, this day was officialized by Act No. 12.987/2014, further called “National Tereza de Banguela and Black Women’s Day”. This celebration as well as the following debates show the importance and relevance of the participation of these women in international politics, which has been claimed for years. However, besides recent acknowledgements, there is still resistance in incorporating the black feminist agenda in International Relations’ theories and debates. In this consideration, the present article intends to debate on the marginalization suffered by these groups in the international system and their constant fight and struggle to make their demands being heard.


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How to Cite

Éboli, G., Teixeira, M., & Massopust, T. (2020). “BY SEGREGATION OR BY DILUTION IN THE UNIVERSAL”: : BLACK WOMEN IN THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM. O Cosmopolítico, 6(2), 26-39. Retrieved from https://periodicos.uff.br/ocosmopolitico/article/view/53871