About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Pensamento Contemporâneo em Administração is a quarterly free Access electronic journal of the Faculty of Administration, Accounting and Tourism of the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), which aims to disseminate unpublished academic papers related to Business Administration. It covers the fields of education, research and practice.

Its emphasis lies in the areas of Marketing/ Strategies, Business Strategies, Accounting and Finance, People Management and Organizational Behavior. We accept papers related to Social Sciences that are grounded in a contemporary vision of the world, and contribute to the progress of the theory of Business Administration by incorporating new insights to academic thinking, such as the Corporate Environmental Management and Corporate Social Responsibility.

The journal applies holistic view to the content of the papers, understanding as equally constructive the presentation of development in the Field of Management, the critique of tools and/or management philosophies, dissemination of new techniques, as well as conceptual papers about academic research.

As the objective of this journal is the spread of knowledge, the articles published here are not necessarily aligned with the opinions of UFF or those responsible for this publication.

The audience of PCA is researchers, professionals of public and private management organizations, linked directly or indirectly, to the most varied economic sectors.

All articles submitted to the journal must be unpublished, national and international, and not in the evaluation process elsewhere. Exceptionally, it is accepted articles presented in scientific congresses and published in annals, and at the discretion of the Editorial Board, papers originally published in foreign languages.

Contributions may be sent in Portuguese English, French or Spanish.

All material signed will be considered the sole responsibility of the author(s), whose work shall not be paid and whose rights, including translation, are reserved. It is permitted to mention part of articles without prior permission provided the source is identified. The total reproduction of articles is prohibited.

The interest of PCA lies in:


  • articles of theoretical development, supported by extensive bibliographical research and proposing new models and interpretations of relevant phenomena in the field of Business Administration;
  • empirical studies that expand knowledge in the area basing itself on research methodologically well-informed, carefully conducted and appropriately analyzed;
  • assays with critical and creative approaches, revealing new perspectives and bringing readers to reflect on relevant topics in the area of knowledge;
  • case studies which present the problem situation in which the author should use their knowledge of Management and bibliography indicated to propose an alternative solution. The name of the organization or individual referred to in the case shall be disclosed only with their formal agreement. The identification of the protagonists is the responsibility of the author(s).

In any of these options, the papers submitted must represent scientific contributions, challenging knowledge and the established practices with innovative and provocative perspectives.

This involves dealing with relevant and appropriate issue to the context and the moment, with consistently development, principles of scientific construction of knowledge and theoretical and conceptual framework that reflects the state of knowledge in the area, by bringing clear and concise conclusion, while pointing out the implications for a theory and/or administrative practice.


Peer Review Process

The purpose of the evaluation process is to help collaborators improve their work by providing them constructive evaluations in reasonable time, prepared by academic experts.

The articles submitted will receive a code that ensures the anonymity of the author(s). Then, articles will be forwarded to the editorial board for a pre-evaluation, which will verify its compliance with the editorial line (scope of the journal). If approved, it will be sent to three evaluators for blind review, ie, without identifying the authors or institutions.

Publication Frequency

The Journal, Revista Pensamento Contemporâneo em Administração, is published every three months.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content following the principle that spreading scientific knowledge free of charge to the public provides a global exchange of knowledge.

Journal History

From September 2011 the Journal Revista Pensamento Contemporâneo em Administração started to be edited by Prof. Dr. Joysi Moraes using SEER. All volumes published in the earlier website of the journal were transferred to the System of Electronic Journal Publishing (SEER) from Open Journal Systems (OJS).