Mysticism in Theo Angelopoulos' Work: A Study of Eternity and a Day (1998)




cinema, mysticism, Angelopoulos


Theodoros Angelopoulos' late work, developed in the 1990s, has po-litical and human attributes already perceived and deciphered by critics and academia. However, we also notice in his films a mystical aspect that has not yet been explored in any of these media. The purpose of this article is to characterize the mystical experience in a particular production by the Greek director. Our object of study will be the work Eternity and a day (Mia aioniotita kai mia mera, 1998). We will use as theoretical support authors like Robert Charles Zaehner, Steven Katz, Paul Schrader and Frederico Pieper.


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Author Biography

carlos eduardo mendes de araújo couto, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brasil

Carlos Eduardo Mendes de Araújo Couto é mestre e doutorando em Artes, Cultura em Linguagens na Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora.


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How to Cite

couto, carlos eduardo mendes de araújo. (2021). Mysticism in Theo Angelopoulos’ Work: A Study of Eternity and a Day (1998). REVISTA POIÉSIS, 22(37), 391-406.