Images of the Amazonia in Brazilian art: from the territory to conquer to the territory to resist




Amazon, Brazilian art, Image


This work seeks to discuss the images of the Amazonia in works by visual artists from the specialized artistic field in Brazil, from the beginning of the 20th century to the present. The theoretical-methodological basis moves between the social history of art and the anthropology of image. The images and works are shown in their links with political and aesthetic ideologies about the Amazon, from the formulation of the “conquest of the region”
discourse, through the various formulations of “amazon identities” based on natural and human landscapes, to the construction of the discourse of the need for cultural and political resistance against westernization.


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Author Biography

Gil Vieira Costa, Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará (Unifesspa)

Professor na Faculdade de Artes Visuais do Instituto de Linguística, Letras e Artes da Unifesspa, Marabá (PA). Doutorado em História (2019) e Mestrado em Artes (2011) pela UFPA, Belém (PA).


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GALERIA PAULO PRADO. Dina Oliveira. São Paulo: Galeria Paulo Prado, 1985. Catálogo de exposição.

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GRUZINSKI, Serge. A Amazônia e as origens da globalização (Sécs.XVI-XVIII): da história local à história global. Belém: Estudos Amazônicos, 2014.

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MIGNOLO, Walter. Desobediencia epistémica: retórica de la modernidad, lógica de la colonialidad, gramática de la descolonialidad. Buenos Aires: Del Signo, 2010.

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How to Cite

Vieira Costa, G. (2021). Images of the Amazonia in Brazilian art: from the territory to conquer to the territory to resist. REVISTA POIÉSIS, 22(38), 44-63.