In Conversations and Silences: Memories Flooded by Belo Monte




affective memory, Santo Antônio village, Belo Monte dam


The ruins of Santo Antônio and their flooded memories reveal the process of loss of affective space. The Belo Monte dam built in Pará state, working since 2016, is a symbol of the “modernity” of the Amazon. In this national project, the most vulnerable people have been excluded. In search of georeferenced memories in the region and social resistance, I realized an investigation about the history of the Santo Antônio small village narrated through the memories of the families expelled by the dam. The memories of these families were treated conceptually as flooded memories. In this extinguished community, around 60 families have lived. I found former villagers that shared their symbolical reconstruction about the lived in that space.


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Author Biography

Camila do Socorro Aranha dos Reis, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Camila do Socorro Aranha dos Reis is an Art teacher at the State Education Network of Pará (SEDUC-PA) in the city of Salinópolis and a PhD student in Social Memory at the Graduate Program in Social Memory of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO).


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How to Cite

Reis, C. do S. A. dos . (2021). In Conversations and Silences: Memories Flooded by Belo Monte . REVISTA POIÉSIS, 22(37), 115-136.