Women of Fire





independent poetry, circulation and repercussion


Mulheres de fogo is the poem that names Roberta Tavares’ zine (handcrafted independent minibook). The first edition was in 2018, and after his great performance and circulation not only in the city of Belém but beyond, a second edition, in 2019 was assembled, just like the third in 2020. All this repercussion puts in check the idea that people don’t buy, don’t read or even are not interested in poetry. According to the poet, maybe this idea has more to do with publishing market monopoly, and its consequences than properly with the poetry itself. Women of Fire  was the poem of the mentioned independent publication that became the best known, read and recited poem by several women of several places.


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Author Biography

Roberta Tavares, Independent poet, Brazil

Roberta Tavares is an Afro-Amazonian poet and historian, author of the poem Women of Fire published in the zine with the same title in 2018. She is a declamator of poetry, research on slavery and on the black presence in the Amazon. She is a quilombola from the banks of the Cravo River, in the lower Bujaru River. 


Sem referências (ensaio de artista, poesia)



How to Cite

Tavares, R. (2021). Women of Fire . REVISTA POIÉSIS, 22(37), 137-149. https://doi.org/10.22409/poiesis.v22i37.47256