Poet among painters





Frank O’Hara, Marjorie Perloff, Poetry, Painting, Literature in the expanded field


The essay approaches the relations between Frank O’Hara’s poetry and painting, especially with the abstract expressionism avant-garde artists in New York scene during the 1950s and 1960s. The text integrates the third chapter of the homonymous book, written by Marjorie Perloff, yet unreleased in Portuguese. Analyzing the relations between O’Hara and visual artists from an affective, intellectual, professional and creative perspective, Perloff emphasizes the formal experimentations of the author whose poetry was directly impacted by action painting, happening and his role as art critic and curator at MOMA. The essay presents two artistic collaborations of O’Hara with Larry Rivers and Norman Bluhm, referred by Perloff as Poem-Paintings, given their formal in-between space, poet and painter acting simultaneously on the same surface. In O’Hara’s lyric, poetry and painting reveal themselves to be, after all, parts from the same living substance.  (Abstract and Keywords written by the translators).


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Author Biographies

Marjorie Perloff, Universidade de Stanford, Estados Unidos

Marjorie Perloff ministra cursos e escreve sobre poesia e poéticas anglo-americanas dos séculos XX e XXI em perspectiva comparatista, bem como sobre intermídia e artes visuais. É professora emérita de Inglês na Universidade de Stanford e titular da cadeira Florence R. Scott de professor emérito de Inglês na Universidade da Califórnia do Sul. É membro da Academia Americana de Artes e Ciências e da Sociedade Filosófica Americana.

Ana Clara Mattoso, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil

Ana Clara Mattoso é mestranda em Estudos Contemporâneos das Artes pela Universidade Federal Fluminense, cineasta e artista visual.


Augusto Melo Brandão, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil

Augusto Melo Brandão é mestrando em Estudos Contemporâneos das Artes pela Universidade Federal Fluminense, performer, escritor, tarólogo e astrólogo.


APOLLINAIRE, Guillaume. Apollinaire on Art, Essays and Reviews 1901-1918, Coleção The Documents of 20th Century Art. Nova York: Viking, 1971, p. xxix.

BRAINARD, Joe et al. Panjandrum : A Journal Of Contemporary Poetry 2 & 3 (1973) - Double Issue With Special Supplement On Frank O'Hara. San Francisco: Panjandrum Press, 1973.

MOTHERWELL, Robert [org.]. The Dada Painters and Poets, An Anthology, tradução de Ralph Manheim. Nova York: Wittenborn, Schultz, Inc., 1951.

O’HARA, Frank. In Memory of My Feelings. A Selection of Poems by Frank O'Hara. Nova York: Museu de Arte Moderna, 1967.

O’HARA, Frank. The Collected Poems of Frank O'Hara. Nova York: Knopf, 1971.

O’HARA, Frank. Art Chronicles 1954-1966. Nova York: Braziller, 1975a.

O’HARA, Frank. Standing Still and Walking in New York. Bolinas, California: Grey Fox Press, 1975b.

O’HARA, Frank. Meu coração está no bolso. Tradução de Beatriz Bastos e Paulo Henriques Britto. São Paulo: Luna Parque, 2017.

PERREAULT, John. Art News, v. 65, 1967.

PERLOFF, Marjorie. Poet among Painters. Nova York: Braziller, 1977.

RIVERS, Larry. Location: Spring 1963. Nova York: Longview Foundation, 1963.

RUBIN, William S. Dada, Surrealism and their Heritage. Nova York: Museu de Arte Moderna, 1967.

TOMPKINS, Calvin. “The Skin of the Stone”. In: The Scene, Reports on Post-Modern Art. New York: Viking, 1976.

LIPPARD, Lucy. “Max Ernst: Passed and Pressing Tensions”. In: Hudson Review, 23 (inverno 1970-1971).

TILLIN, Sidney. Arts Magazine, v. 34, Dez. 1959.

STEIN, Gertrude. Everybody’s Autobiography. Nova York: Vintage, 1973.



How to Cite

Perloff, M. ., Mattoso, A. C., & Brandão, A. M. . (2021). Poet among painters. REVISTA POIÉSIS, 22(38), 191-245. https://doi.org/10.22409/poiesis.v22i38.50654