What does Lula dream about? Krenak dreams about lives





dreams; opportunist action; stigmergia; decolonial thought


WHAT DOES LULA DREAMS ABOUT? KRENAK DREAMS ABOUT LIVES STREAMS is not just a text, is probing in the dark. The flag called us to DTR. We dream with and without her. Then we gather what has become non-images, non-meanings, non-identities. Everything in dream changes as in nature, all forms move towards indefiniteness. WHAT DOES LULA DREAMS ABOUT? KRENAK DREAMS ABOUT LIVES STREAMS is a record of the indefiniteness of dreams. We work from the principle of stigmergia. In stigmergy there is no prior planning, but a chain of actions that lead to other actions. We do something to
start an Opportunist Action [Poetic Ritual], take a step back to see what happened and then do it again, starting another Action. Here we dream like people and work like ants. The flag didn't say anything because the flag doesn't exist.


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Author Biographies

Julia Raiz, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil

Julia Raiz é doutoranda em estudos literários na UFPR. 

Maré, Artista independente, Brasil

Maré é artista, nordestina y gogoia.


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How to Cite

Raiz, J., & Maré. (2022). What does Lula dream about? Krenak dreams about lives . REVISTA POIÉSIS, 23(39), 73-93. https://doi.org/10.22409/poiesis.v23i39.52946