The Use of Videos in the Dramaturgical Construction Odisseia 116


  • Cleilson Queiroz Lopes UDESC - DOUTORANDO



video; dramaturgy; presence; autobiography


This article discusses the theoretical and practical questions that videos of interviews and landscapes raise for the dramaturgy Odisseia 116. As a methodology, I am inspired by aspects of theatrical genetics. I take into account the fact that videos are essential documents for the realization of the project in their potential of material archive of the process, expanding the idea of dramaturgy. In a second moment, I reflect on dramaturgical forms in contemporary theater that go beyond the word.


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How to Cite

Queiroz Lopes, C. (2022). The Use of Videos in the Dramaturgical Construction Odisseia 116. REVISTA POIÉSIS, 23(40), 201-214.