Three Modes of Authorship: Indeterminate, Ironic, and Stochastic




art; authorship; indeterminacy; irony; statistics


This brief article proposes three categories of authorship that conceive it as an ambiguous form of identity according to different strategies of artistic making. The Sample&Hold synthesizer module, uncreative writing and Markov chains illustrate distinct ways of dealing with the question of "how to be an artist without being an author", formulated through indeterminacy, irony and statistics respectively. Observations made in this text are conceptual results of a personal process of research and artistic practices.


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Author Biography

Leona Machado, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil

Artist-researcher and Bachelor of Arts student at Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), investigates formation of contemporary identity through computer algorithms applied to art.


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How to Cite

Machado, L. . (2022). Three Modes of Authorship: Indeterminate, Ironic, and Stochastic. REVISTA POIÉSIS, 23(40), 159-171.