
  • Laís Rodrigues UNESP
  • Evandro Fiorin




Psychogeography, Cartography, Walking practice


We often walk with the intention of going from one place to another, without paying proper attention to the middle of the path, to what is in front of us. Aesthetics and beauty go unnoticed by hurried glances and give way to previously drawn mental maps, created to achieve a perfect execution of our goal: to arrive. Arrive without detours and new routes. We do this constantly, we look at places as unknown zones, zones to which we do not belong and the behavior of each one of them depends only on us. Our goal is to trace a path to be followed for possible relationships with the city, which I can promote a new look at who chooses to see how far their feet will take them.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, L., & Fiorin, E. (2023). A METHODOLOGY OF WALKING PRACTICE. REVISTA POIÉSIS, 24(41), 156-168. https://doi.org/10.22409/poiesis.v24i41.56006