Associations between science and music, a personal experience




Physics and Music, Narrative in Art and Science, Art and Science Relations


This essay explores parallels between the experiences of Alexandra De Castro as a professional scientist and her musi- cal education. Both disciplines have represented for her similar forms of intellectual enjoyment. She states that science and music are close to each other in terms of the images, sensations, and stories that emerge during the silent reading of the equations of physics or the music scores, each in its own language


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Author Biography

, United Academics Magazine

Alexandra De Castro é Especialista en Divulgación y Comunicación de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, pela Universidad de Oviedo, España. É Bacharel em Química e Doutora em Física pela Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela, com foco na Física Teórica de Altas Energias. Atualmente mora na Holanda, onde é editora-chefe da United Academics Magazine.


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How to Cite

Castro, A. D. (2023). Associations between science and music, a personal experience. REVISTA POIÉSIS, 24(41), 81-87.