Art & Science

an artistic expedition methodology for the perception of the Mediterranean Sea




art, science, Mediterranean Sea, perception, body


This article presents an approach to Art & Science through a proposed methodology of artistic expedition to perceive the sea. Taking the walk as a starting point and collecting scientific data with portable meters, the expedition uses the body as a sensor and proposes a feeling of the sea through this embodiment of the place. Local stories and scientific discussions intermingle, forming sea narratives. The methodology was created as a way of perceiving the Mediterranean Sea, an artistic proposal of decolonization of nature, decolonization of the seas. It is a scientific and subjective listening of immersion into the sea.


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Author Biography

Karla Brunet, IHAC/UFBA

Karla Brunet é artista e pesquisadora. Possui doutorado em Comunicação Audiovisual (Universidad Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona, Espanha - Bolsa CAPES) e mestrado em Artes Visuais (Academy of Art University - São Francisco, EUA - Bolsa CAPES). É professora do IHAC, ProfArtes e PPGAV da UFBA e coordena o Ecoarte, um grupo interdisciplinar de arte, tecnologia e meio ambiente.


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How to Cite

Brunet, K. (2023). Art & Science: an artistic expedition methodology for the perception of the Mediterranean Sea. REVISTA POIÉSIS, 24(41), 55-70.