



100 Vistas deals with the idea of re-encounters, many of them here in these few pages. A new encounter with a city that, although it is absolutely different from what it once was, because it is dominated by uncontrolled processes of touristification and gentrification, seems to retain only the profile of the skyscrapers of a city without a soul and without a sense of dwelling. It's also a reunion with a work made in 1989, at that time on video, still on VHS, converted here into a graphic project to be "flipped through" on online pages, conceived with digital images captured in the city with a mobile device, one of those that do almost everything and still work, eventually, as a telephone. In the past, the city's landscape was tinged with yellow; today, cabs are so scarce that Scorsese would have no reason to run a taxi driver.

A reunion with the young artist I was, with the dreams that insist on inhabiting me, even if that artist has found other ways of dealing with things in the mundane world, the world of art and the life that inhabits us. Above all, a reunion with a friendship that distance and time have transformed into respect and admiration and which, in some way, represents an important part of the good memories that, in me, articulate art and that city that supposedly never sleeps.


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Author Biography

Luiz Sérgio de Oliveira, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Artist and Full Professor in the Art Department of the Fluminense Federal University. PhD in Visual Arts from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, with an associate research internship at the University of San Diego, California, United States. He took a Master’s Degree in Art at New York University (NYU), United States. He is a permanent professor in the Postgraduate Program in Contemporary Studies of the Arts, of which he was the Coordinator from 2008 to 2013. He is a member of the Study Group on Public Art in Brazil and the Study Group on Public Art in Latin America. He is the author of O museu, o porto, a cidade: arte e gentrificação na zona portuária do Rio de Janeiro (Circuito, PPGCA-UFF, 2022), InSITE: práticas de arte pública na fronteira entre dois mundos (EDUFF, 2012), and Arte pública como atitude (Circuito, PPGCA-UFF, Faperj, 2024, currently in press).



How to Cite

Oliveira, L. S. de . (2023). 100 VIEWS OF NEW YORK. REVISTA POIÉSIS, 24(42), 147-162. https://doi.org/10.22409/poiesis.v24i42.60192