
  • Marcus Bastos PUC-SP




Mídia, Entorpecimento, Notícias Falsas, Ciência


The article discusses the way in which scientific knowledge has lost importance in the context of fake news that takes over contemporary processes of mediation in network. There is a questioning about the extent to which the processes of numbing by the excess of information can be responsible for the alienation of the user, resulting in the anesthesia of his critical sense. This debate takes into account examples of confusion between fiction and reality in the history of media, such as the escape from the cinema room when the train approaches the foreground in the first Lumière projections, the transmission of War of the Worlds on CBS and the confusion between the chatterbot Eliza and a real person.


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Author Biography

Marcus Bastos, PUC-SP

Marcus Bastos é doutor em Comunicação e Semiótica pela PUC-SP, onde é professor vinculado ao Departamento de Artes, desde 2003, e ao programa de pós-graduação em Tecnologias da Inteligência e Design Digital, desde 2012. Publicou os livros Audiovisual ao Vivo: tendências e conceitos (com Patricia Moran, Intermeios, 2020), Limiares das Redes (Intermeios, 2014) e Cultura da Reciclagem (Noema, 2007, ebook). Rua Monte Alegre, nº 984, 05014-901, Perdizes, São Paulo, SP.


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2023-12-30 — Updated on 2024-03-12


How to Cite

Bastos, M. . (2024). ENTORPECIMENTO POR MEDIAÇÃO: UM ELEMENTO DA DIVULGAÇÃO DE NOTÍCIAS FALSAS?. REVISTA POIÉSIS, 24(42), 99-111. https://doi.org/10.22409/poiesis.v24i42.61294 (Original work published December 30, 2023)