The un-veiling of Alice in O fotógrafo e a rapariga, by Mário Cláudio


  • Gabriel Dottling Dias Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)



Contemporary Portuguese narrative, Mário Cláudio, intertextuality, photography, Alice in Wonderland


This paper intends to provide a critical reading of the novel O Fotógrafo e a Rapariga (2015), by Portuguese author Mário Claudio, considering the building of the character Alice Liddell through procedures that involve the memory – which allows (re)writing the character’s own story within the novel. For that, it will be necessary to scrutinize the elaborated narrative and intertextual game that pervades the novel. In order to analyze the writing of the character, we are going to rely on her memories, her daydreaming thoughts, the stories she tells and the photos taken by Charles Dodgson. From this sophisticated textual game, we will un-veil Alice with the purpose of understanding the how the book unfolds.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Dottling Dias, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Mestre em Literatura Portuguesa pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Atualmente, participa do grupo de pesquisa Cinegrafias de Angola, Cabo Verde e Guiné- -Bissau: Literatura, Cinema e Afeto, coordenado pela Profª Doutora Carmen Lúcia Tindó Ribeiro Secco.


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How to Cite

Dottling Dias, G. (2022). The un-veiling of Alice in O fotógrafo e a rapariga, by Mário Cláudio. ABRIL – NEPA / UFF, 14(29), 159-171.