About the Journal

The name of the magazine pays homage to the Goitacá indigenous nation, a people originating from the Macro-Jê linguistic group, composed of groups distributed in the territories that today correspond to the State of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, and Espírito Santo. The Goitacá ethnic group became extinct in the 19th century.

The name Goitacá, given to the magazine of the Department of Social Service of Campos, is a way of honoring this original ethnic group that inhabited the area that today is the city of Campos dos Goytacazes. In essence, it is a connection between the city's historical roots, with the cultural and human values of the original peoples who inhabited the territory.

It is important to emphasize that the Revista Goitacá has the purpose of valuing the production of knowledge and research in the area of Social Work, with the objective of publishing current and relevant scientific productions related to Social Work, covering themes of Applied Human and Social Sciences.

Focus and Scope

The Revista Goitacá is a biannual publication of the Department of Social Work of Campos, of the Federal Fluminense University, Campos dos Goytacazes, whose objective is to create a space for analysis, discussion and reflection in the area of Social Work and the like, constituting a rich space and collection of information, analyses, theoretical sources, debates, research and experiences.

Section Policies

Thematic articles and free themes: It deals with original and unpublished scientific work, the result of research of an empirical or theoretical nature, as well as analysis and evaluations of theoretical-methodological and conceptual trends, written in Portuguese, Spanish or English. Article must have a minimum of 12 pages and a maximum of 20 pages, with 25 lines, including tables, illustrations and references.

Experience report: presents a study, report or case description with analysis of conceptual implications, description of procedures or intervention strategies, containing appropriate methodological evidence. The article must present between 5 and 10 pages, including tables, illustrations and references.

Interview: Discussion with guests relating to a specific article or an issue of the journal, with a maximum of 5 pages.

Book review: Presentation and book review guiding the reader as to its characteristics and potential uses; constituting a commented summary, with opinions that can give an overview of the work. Minimum of three and maximum of five pages.

Peer review process

Manuscripts submitted for publication will be sent to an ad hoc reviewer, after evaluation by the Editorial Committee, observing: adequacy to the editorial policy of Revista Goitacá, form of presentation, and the rules of the Magazine.

The ad hoc referees will arbitrate on the convenience, or not, of its acceptance and may suggest to the author(s), the author(s) reformulations, or adaptations to editorial norms. The final decision on the publication of the works received will be made by the Editorial Board, based on the magazine's editorial line.

The Revista Goitacá's criteria for manuscript acceptance include: originality, data validity, rigor, clarity, and precision regarding scientific production, writing, content, and contribution to the field of Social Work. Manuscripts will be evaluated by two external ad hoc reviewers who will make specific and general comments regarding the scientific quality of the text and will arbitrate on acceptance, reformulations, and/or rejection.

During the analysis, rigor, clarity, and precision will be verified in terms of scientific production, writing, methodological description, content, and ethical-theoretical probity. Any changes in structure and content will be forwarded to the authors.

The Editors and the Editorial Committee, in possession of the analysis of the reviewers, will make the final decision based on the editorial program of the Revista Goitacá. In case of a discrepancy between the ad hoc reviewers, you may request a third review. The Editors will forward the final decision to the responsible author, via the Magazine Portal Platform.

The Editorial Committee ensures the anonymity of the author(s) in the evaluation process, as well as the secrecy of their participation to the evaluators, allowing freedom for judgments and evaluations. Additions or alterations to the text will not be accepted after its evaluation and final acceptance.


Thematic scientific magazine, biannual (two issues per year).

Open access policy

The Revista Goitacá offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle of providing free access to research and scientific knowledge to enable greater exchange and democratization of knowledge.

Research ethics and good publication practices

Authorship: the authors are original holders and will be responsible for the originality and authorship of their creation, and the Editorial Committee will not be held responsible or penalized, civilly or criminally, for any plagiarism or inappropriate content.

Originality of the originals: when submitting the manuscript, the authors declare that the work has not been previously published nor is it under analysis by another magazine.

- Illustrations and graphics from other sources must be credited or accompanied by permission from their copyright holders, if applicable.

Error correction and retraction: authors must commit to Revista Goitacá, delivering the manuscript with adequate language and suitable for publication.

Confidentiality: the manuscript sent for evaluation is a document and will be protected from any form of exploitation.

All works resulting from research or experience reporting, involving human subjects, will have their publication conditioned to compliance with ethical principles, which must be clearly described in the manuscript.

The Revista Goitacá is concerned with Integrity in Research, Ethics in Science and in Publications; therefore, it recommends that authors, reviewers and editors that study the following documents with basic guidelines for the integrity of scientific activity and publications:

  1. FAPESP's Code of Good Research Practices, 2014 (http://www.fapesp.br/boaspraticas/);
  2. CNPq Research Integrity Guidelines, 2011 (http://cnpq.br/diretrizes);
  3. Cooperation Document between Research Institutions and Journals in Cases of Research Integrity: Guidance of the [International] Committee on Ethics in Publications - COPE (http://publicationethics.org/);
  4. Resolution of the National Health Council No. 510, of April 7, 2016 - Provides for the rules applicable to research in Human and Social Sciences (http://conselho.saude.gov.br/resolucoes/2016/Reso510.pdf );
  5. The guidelines listed at (https://publicationethics.org/files/u7141/1999pdf13.pdf);
  6. Opinion of the Ethics Committee of the CEP/CONEP System.

Anti-Plagiarism Policy

The Revista Goitacá reserves the right to use the CopySpider software in the routine analysis of submissions to detect plagiarism.

The Magazine follows international norms regarding plagiarized works. Absolutely rejects all forms of plagiarism and only publishes articles with the guarantee, by the authors, of the originality of their works.
The editors will be attentive to the self-plagiarism processes and will, whenever they deem it appropriate, make recommendations to the authors.

If any author submits a partially or totally plagiarized file to the Magazine, the possibility of publication will be definitively denied. This directive will be mandatorily transmitted to the authors and they will be guaranteed the right of reply.

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